Evan and Richard update you on the real estate market in the Rockwall Texas area for the month of March 2009.
- 81 homes sold
- 97 homes under contract
- 744 homes available
- Currently a buyers market except in the $120,000-150,000 price range where it is a seller’s micro market
This is Fabulous!!!!
This is so “Right On”!! Great information to get out to the public. What a great service you are performing. Matteson Group does it again!!
Thanks for the comments all, we are trying to get the word out that homes are definetly selling in Rockwall and give more accurate and updated info on the real estate market. We want this to be a great resource for everyone.
I’m impressed with your ability to create buzz about your service. Nice vlog…. Any pointers for our youtube channel? http://www.handcleaner.tv