Rockwall ISD Receives Highest Accountability Rating in Latest STAAR Results

August 25, 2016

Rockwall Independent School District is pleased to announce that every campus in the district has met the highest accountability rating of “met standard.” Rockwall ISD scored higher on the End of Course (EOC) test than the statewide average in all subjects, which include: Algebra, Biology, English I, English II and US History.

“I’m so proud of what our students and teachers have accomplished,” said Superintendent John Villarreal. “I look forward to the continued excellence of our district in the future.”

For grades 3-8, students’ scores are: Reading, 89% met standard and 31% met the advanced standard; Math, 89% met standard and 26% met the advanced standard; Writing, 82% met standard and 18% met the advanced standard; Science, 88% met standard and 22% met the advanced standard; Social Studies, 84% met standard and 27% met the advanced standard.

English Language Learners made notable improvements in Science, Social Studies and English II, where they increased by 13, 39 and 30 percentage points respectively.

“We are very excited about the performance of our English Language Learners,” said Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment and Accountability/Secondary Curriculum. “Especially in social studies where we provided instructional strategy training to our teachers to help support our students.”

The STAAR is a rigorous, index-based approach to academic accountability, emphasizing “readiness” standards, which measure how prepared a student is for the next grade level and for college and career.

There were notable changes to the STAAR test in 2016. These changes include the inclusion of students’ scores on accommodated tests in accountability ratings and higher standards to achieve the rating of “met standard.”

From Rockwall ISD